Escape or Propose

20190413_181053Proposing to Krysta, easy call. Planning the proposal, not as easy. LOL.

The idea came to me while we were walking through a game store in Santa Monica. A game themed proposal would be fun! And that’s where the idea sat for a while as I pondered the rest of February through March on developing the idea further. We’ve joked about a stage proposal, me being more than willing to do so, and her wincing at the idea of uncomfortable public attention. My mind played around with the antithesis – a secluded hidden proposal, but that was too dark and solitary. Then I thought if only I can control the environment so that a few close people can enjoy a fun moment with us: Escape Room! That’s it!

I reached out to her sister Gaby and brother-in-law David to help me plan the surprise knowing that if the escape room was my idea, it would be too suspect. They were on board and invited Krysta and I to Mission Escape Games in Anaheim, CA. Gaby had found Mission Escape Games via search and showed me. After doing my due diligence research of a few different companies, I really liked their reviews, theme and location and I immediately reached out to book the room.

Leading up to the night I enlisted the help of a few more close friends and family to complete the surprise. Shout out to Becky who was able to get her nails done the morning of with an amazing shimmery gold that matched the ring perfectly. And her family that was able to stop by waiting at a nearby restaurant to surprise her after we were to escape, engaged.


The room was so fun to say the least. And this is to say that me, David and Gaby saw the end of the puzzle at a walk through the Monday before. Even seeing the final solution, we weren’t told any of the solutions to the puzzles and we still had a tough time. But Krysta being the crazy beautiful puzzle genius that she is solved some of the hardest puzzles we encountered. Including the… ehhh, I’ll let you experience it yourself because it’s worth it. And it was all worth it for me. Without giving away the puzzle ending, the management worked with me to customize a very small piece at the end and it made it very special. I am so grateful to Summer our gamemaster and Joe for allowing this to be possible. I was able to propose after Krysta read the final clue, the note of my love for her. It was perfect. Oh, and she said yes!


Read about the wedding.