Why I Created a Tik Tok Account

Jump on the GaryVee band wagon with me for just a second. Yes, Tik Tok has a mass media attention right now. Yes, organic reach is way undervalued. Yes, it is not your audience for B2B revenue. (Yet)

Now let’s jump off the bandwagon. I still have a pre-teen year old daughter and I found out that this would eventually be the way I could communicate with her when we’re not together (shared custody).

She would message me back quicker than the messages I would send her on Facebook Kids Messenger (which I thought I was getting ghosted on). And she would ask me to make videos so she could see her dad. I was flattered of course.

It started out with Youtube Gacha videos (go ahead and look that one up). Then it was spotify music discovery. And now TikTok. But everytime my daughter showed me something she found funny online, you better believe I paid attention. I (and every respectable parent) should be concerned with what their children are doing online. I would want to know more about the trends, influencers, brands that she’s viewing. And with my marketing hat back on top of my parenting hat, I started to see in TikTok a noticeable shift in content.

Zach King is back! Yes, your favorite vine star is here again with more content than your business creates before you’ve had a chance to blink. The master of the shortest form.

As you watch content you’ll start to realize (as many have posted) what the algorithm favors. Say that again? That’s right. Repeatable content. Videos that went by so quick and gave you so much wow, value, intrigue, appeal, interest that you need to see it again. These are the videos that get on the “For You” page on TikTok (aka “go viral”)

Charlie. If you mention that name to any avid Tik Tok’r they know who you’re talking about. Whether she parlays this fame into any influencer career or not is not my concern. It’s the fact that people are still misunderstanding the youth market.

Songs can break on Tik Tok now. Dances. Gary’s entrepreneurship ideas. Why wouldn’t you want to find out how your industry could break. There’s a famous lawyer on there. Real estate agents showing off listings. Do you think a 12 year old is in the market to buy a house? Of course not. But their parents might be.

And I’ll tell you this. When my daughter comes to show me something she found funny online, better believe I’m watching. And learning. And finding out more. About who this funny lawyer is. Have I seen their ads on TV? Wait, what TV? Looks like that was a free impression this lawyer just got.

When you get one, go here to find me.